Hyperstacks are loaded, saved, and visualized through the Hyperstack panel.

Tip: If you lose the hyperstack panel, it can be reopened with menu Hyperstack -> Hyperstack Panel

Loading a hyperstack

Press the ‘Load’ button and select the _T.ibw file corresponding to the hyperstack to be loaded.

If the hyperstack to load is a153_hs2 then load the file ‘a153_hs2_T.ibw’

Saving a hyperstack

  • Select a hyperstack in the list
  • Click the ‘Save’ button
  • The hyperstack is saved in the same hard-drive folder it was opened from.

important: There is no 'Save As...'

Opening a stack window for a single timepoint

  1. select a hyperstack in the list
  2. fill in the timepoint
  3. click ‘Stack’ button.

important: Only one timepoint can be viewed at a time with the 'Stack' button. To view another timepoint, close the current timepoints stack window and open another timepoint.

Opening Find Points to connect nodes and edges from one timepoint to the next

  • Enter two sequential timepoints in ‘Timepoint’ and ‘Timepoint 2’
  • Click ‘Find Points’ button
  • See Find Points


Open a panel to search nodes, tubes and slabs

Unload stacks

  • Unload raw data from selected hyperstack.

Important: Image stacks take up memory. If too many are loaded, Igor will run out of memory. To prevent this, unload unused stack images with 'Unload Stack'. The next time a stack is to be displayed it will automatically be loaded again.


Open a List panel to display a list of all timepoints in a hyperstack

Hyperstack database (HS DB)

Open a panel to display a database of all hyperstacks in a hard-drive folder

In the Hyperstack DB panel, ‘set’ a hard-drive folder and press the ‘Build’ button to generate a list of all hyperstacks in the selected hard-drive folder.

Double-click on a hyperstack in the list and it will load into the main Hyperstack panel.

There are two ways of generating the list

  • Check ‘Folder of hyperstack folder’ expects a folder which itself contains hyperstack folders. This normally corresponds to a user folder such as ‘cudmore’ or ‘jahnavi’.
  • Do not check ‘Folder of hyperstack folder’ expects a folder of user folders.

The list of hyperstacks has the following information

  • hs : Name of hyperstack
  • userFolder : The user folder the hyperstack is in (if using ‘Folder of users’)
  • tp : Number of timepoints
  • startDate : The first date in the hyperstack
  • stopDate : The last date in the hyperstack
  • days : The number of days in the hyperstack (number of days between start and stop)
  • months : The number of months in the hyperstack (stop date - start date)