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Install Server

Web based browsing

The PyMapManager server allows Map Manager annotations and time-series images to be browsed with a web interface. It is really easy to run the server on your local machine. For a production level server we provide a Docker container.

Browsing annotations

Browsing images


To run the server locally, you need some data! Example data can be downloaded from the PyMapManager-Data repository. The first thing to do is to clone both the PyMapManager and the PyMapManager-Data repositories.

git clone  --depth=1
git clone  --depth=1

Running the server.

1) Using Python

Simplest case is to use python and you should be up in no time. Please note, while this method is easy, it runs the server as a single thread/worker and the interface will be slower than it should be.

# work from PyMapManager folder
cd PyMapManager

# create a virtual environment in folder `mm_env`
python -m venv mm_env

# activate virtual environment
source mm_env/bin/activate

# install pymapmanager (-e will allow you to change source code)
pip install -e .

# install required server libraries
pip install -r mmserver/requirements.txt

# run the server
cd mmserver

Point your browser to http://localhost:5000 and have fun browsing our example dataset.

2) Using the Docker container

Running the server from within a Docker container has lots of benefits. First off, the Docker container spins up a proper nginx web server and runs multiple copies of the python code in With this system, the server is really responsive even when multiple requests are coming in fast as happens when images are scrolled.

To get started, download and install Docker Community Edition (CE).

2.1) Using docker-compose

If you want to run the server inside a Docker container, the easiest option is to use docker-compose. Using this technique makes a very efficient production level server and is exactly the same code-base we use to make our world accessible PyMapManager sites.

Note: We are working on this documentation. In the following you may need to use sudo in some of the commands like sudo docker-compose up.


cd PyMapManager
docker-compose build # this will take a few minutes the first time it is run


docker-compose up

Point your browser to http://localhost and have fun browsing.


docker-compose down

# stop all docker containers
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)

2.2) Using docker

If you prefer to run the docker services separately and specify paths on the command line.


cd PyMapManager
docker build -t myimage . # the dot is important


docker run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 redis

Nginx server

In the following docker command, /Users/cudmore/Dropbox/PyMapManager-Data has to be changed to point to the full path of your local copy of PyMapManager-Data.

cd PyMapManager
docker run --name mycontainer -p 80:80 -v /Users/cudmore/Dropbox/PyMapManager-Data:/PyMapManager-Data --link redis myimage

Point your browser to http://localhost and have fun browsing.


docker stop mycontainer
docker rm mycontainer

docker stop redis
docker rm redis