Development Notes
Should be very possible to make a docker to install debian+nginx+uwsgi+flask+pymapmanager
Re-organize mmserver/mmclient into one folder. Have flask server templaes/index.html from
. Have nginx server templates/index.thml as native html/javascript (no flask) -
Add a configure.html to visually configure server
- for a
show list of maps indata/
- have
upload annotations button
ask for a hdd folder and upload via rest.- will probably not work because web interface is not allowed to operate outside its root directory
- maybe add a local
folder to make this possible? User drops a map folder in here (it is inside mmserver/)
- for a
Get simple login working. I don't understand how Flask session and multiple instances in uwsgi/gunicorn works?
Big picture
- Have web interface load a map pool and plot based on time-point conditions across a number of maps. Goal here is to reproduce figures in a paper.
- Upload annotations (and eventually images) from within Igor
- Enable editing and saving of maps via web interface.
- Make a docker to easily install and run PyMapManager client/server on a local machine (MacOS, Linux, Windows).
posting a map from Igor
- mmio will allow mmio.postmap() from folder
- make mmio also post map from zip
- have igor call an igor script (not part of class library)
- given a folder path, zip the map and post it
then unzip and place files in correct spot
- add class GlobalMaps() to mmserver.
- Set and get maps from either a global dict (when run as python or a redis database when run insode uWSGI
Front end javascript
- Intercept keyboard in leaflet, use this to switch (channel 1, channel 2, channel 3)
- Group all plotly and then leaflet variables into a dict like mp. and ml. for my plotly and my leaflet.
Snap to missing tp data using pivot points. Have rest 'mapinfo' return list of pivot points (from original file) and then javascript interface to set pivot point in javascript
Figure out a way to preload or cache already loaded images. Should be some sort of fast hash table but to start, have a dict of {'rr30a_tp_slice': image-data}
- Set/get cookies in client browser. To do this, place ALL plotly options and then leaflet options into a dict. Save all values in each dict as cookies.
- marker size
- leaflet marker size
- set name for session in session list from (None, original file, session condition)
- default channel
Front end REST
- Use redis to share data between workers in gunicorn/uWSGI
- normalize naming conventions
- all calls start with /api/
- Add username/password.
- Move /data outside of /mmserver/data, outside of github repo in general
- Use tifffile to read .tif files. We currently read .png with scipy (remove scipy dependency).
Client/server runnning on Linux
- Make sure we can do proper web server.
- nginx
- javascript client: nginx redirect to /users/cudmore/mmclient
- flask rest server: nginx redirect to mmserver .socket
- make sure mmserver.js parses web url, strip /mmclient and append /api/ for rest calls
- redis-server, to allow to run in gunicorn/uWSGI with multiple workers (threads). How often should I clear the database? Maybe load all maps on server start?
Back end python package PyMapManager
- Write code to pool spine intensity across maps based on session condition (done in Igor and Matlab). Add interface to javascript. This will be used to reproduce a figure from a paper. It should be easy, simple, and work really well.
- Finalize system to detect 'no segments'
- Make a test run of editing map. As user is working, save work in browser, on 'save' button, push to server and save to file (not redis).
- Write Igor code to export a vascular map
- stack db will have 2x type (nodeROI, slabROI)
- object map will hold just nodeROI (they are linked through time)
- on click in in plotly/leaflet, don't plotRun() is slabROI (there is no map for slabs
Change log
- We now have a docker to install the client/server with zero configuration
- We now open 'otherROI' files
- Can now set marker size in leaflet maps
- leflet maps report user click, tp and spine
[done] Generate API documentation from doc strings
- [done] Load individual slices dynamically (how to query number of slices in .tif file?)
- [done] Use the mmserver REST API to make a standalone web-app using Flask, Angular, and Plotly
- [done] Implement visualization of a spine run in mmserver.
- Make mmserver link all plot, clicking in one will highlight in other.
- mmserver needs to use
map pool
so publication data can easily be presented.
Running development servers
cd mmserver
cd mmclient
reload -b
This is to auto generated API documentation from embedded docstrings in the python code using Sphinx. The output is available on readthedocs.
1) Don't foget to add modules that depend on C code to MOCK_MODULES
section of
2) Whenever I change modules (like when I removed interface/)
last ../
should exclude pymapmanager/
from output.
Note: I am using pymapmanager/ to import a common version into PyMapManager/ and inserting version into pymapmanager module (via pymapmanager/
cd PyMapManager/pymapmanager/docs
sphinx-apidoc -f -o source ../ ../
Output should look like:
Creating file source/pymapmanager.rst.
Creating file source/modules.rst.
3) Make the docs in /build/
cd PyMapManager/pymapmanager/docs
#sphinx-build -b html source/ build
#sphinx-build -b html . build
make html
4) Push to Github and then go to ReadTheDocs and click build
This relies on a webhook made inside the Github repo (forgot exactly how/where).
This is for 'human readable' documentation website available at
Serve locally
cd ~/Dropbox/PyMapManager/docs
mkdocs serve
Push to github. This needs to be pushed from local github repo, not Dropbox repo.
cd ~/Sites/PyMapManager/docs
mkdocs gh-deploy --clean
Synchronize with Unison
# Unison preferences file
root = /Users/cudmore/Dropbox/PyMapManager/
root = /Users/cudmore/Sites/PyMapManager
ignore = Name .DS_Store
ignore = Name *.DS_Store
ignore = Name *.pyc
ignore = Name *.tif
ignore = Name *.egg-info
ignore = Path .git
ignore = Path .idea
#when synchronizing between platforms or hdd formats
#rsrc = false
#perms = 0
# Be fast even on Windows
#fastcheck = yes
Export iPython notebooks to html
jupyter nbconvert --ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_name=python3 --to html --execute --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
jupyter nbconvert --ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_name=python2 --to html --execute --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
Search and replace across a number of files
search for windows
and replace with linux
grep -rl 'windows' ./ | xargs sed -i 's/windows/linux/g'
grep -rl 'windows' ./ | xargs sed -i "" 's/windows/linux/g'
find ./ -type f -exec sed -i "" "s/oldstring/new string/g" {} \;
search all files in current directory ./
for and replace with ``
grep -rl ' ' ./ | xargs sed -i "" 's/ //g'
from /PyMapMAnager/docs, search for ' ' and replace it with ''
grep -rl ' ' ./docs/examples | xargs sed -i "" 's/ //g'
Pushing changes to home Debian server
- Use Unison to update entire PyMapManager folder (pymapmanager, mmclient, mmserver)
This lives in /home/cudmore/PyMapManager
- If I changed core soure code, make sure
is updated
pip uninstall PyMapManager
pip install -e PyMapManager
- Copy mmclient into /var/www/html
cd PyMapManager
sudo cp -fr mmclient /var/www/html/
- Run mmserver/ in screen using gunicorn
Make sure it is not already running with screen -r
. Or with ps -aux | grep gunicorn
cd PyMapManager/mmserver
gunicorn -b mmserver:app
Pushing changes in mmclient/ to
No need for this any more !
Pushing to PyPi
Version 0.0.1 is working with pip install PyMapManager
This will be available at and can be installed with pip install PyMapManager
There is also a test server at
- Make sure there is a
index-servers =
Update version in
Makes .tar.gz in
cd PyMapManager python sdist
4.1 push to test server
python sdist upload -r pypitest
4.2. Push to PyPi website
python sdist upload
I need to decide between is using
from import imsave, imread
mmMap is using
import scipy.misc
redis flask server
We need to use a global database when running production server where mmserver is spawned into multiple processes and can not share global
python objects. Redis requires a bit of work to package objects into json serializable objects so for now just use pickle to do the heaver lifting. Map rr30 is ~24 MB when pickled, rough estimate is we get ~44 picked maps per 1 GB of memory (in practice we will get a bit more).
install redis-server
# osx
brew install redis
# linux
sudo apt-get install redis
Make redis-server run at system boot
To have launchd start redis now and restart at login:
brew services start redis
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
# linux
figure this out
Run redis server manually
Check redis-server is running
redis-cli ping
To clear all data from server
redis-cli FLUSHALL
run in development mode (on osx)
cd PyMapManager/mmserver
sudo gunicorn -w 4 -b mmserver:app
# for code to put/get from redis server
# see:
# Dependencies:
# pip install flask
# pip install redis
# Then run server with `redis-server`, default address is
# Re-running the server still has old data
# To clear, use redis-cli (while server is running)
# redis-cli FLUSHALL
## Install redis-server
This should install as a running service, check that it is still running on reboot
### On OSX
brew install redis-server
### On debian
sudo apt-get install redis-server
## Clear the whole redis server (all its databases)
redis-cli FLUSHALL
## can't add python class objects to redis, use pickle
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
import flask
import redis
import time
import json
from flask import Response, stream_with_context
# see:
import pickle
from pymapmanager.mmMap import mmMap
app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = True
db = redis.Redis('localhost') #connect to server
ttl = 31104000 #one year
def one(themap):
print 'themap:', themap
mappath = '/Users/cudmore/Dropbox/PyMapManager/mmserver/data/public/' + themap + '/' + themap + '.txt'
m = mmMap(mappath)
pickled_object = pickle.dumps(m)
db.set(themap, pickled_object) # themap is a string key '' here
#db.hmset(themap, {'a':1})
return 'ok'
def two(themap):
if not db.exists(themap):
return "Error: redis map doesn't exist"
mapObject = pickle.loads(db.get(themap))
print 'mapObject:', mapObject
#event = db.hgetall(themap)
#print 'event:', event
#return json.dumps(event)
return json.dumps(str(mapObject))
if __name__ == "__main__":
/etc/init.d/redis-server stop
sudo service nginx stop