19 Jan 2016Use MQTT to send little packets of data around. My current thinking is that any sensor/data network should be a mixture of MQTT and Rest. They are different things and both provide some nice features. I like MQTT because:
- My sensors (like an Arduino) can push data without caring who will subscribe.
- My data subscribers don’t need to know the ip/web address of a sensor, only the MQTT broker address.
- Downside is this is all assuming and contingent on an MQTT broker (e.g. a server).
- On the flip side, if I use REST then every device (including sensors) needs to be running a http server. Too many servers.
- In the end, the best solution is a heterogeneous system with both REST and MQTT.
I will update this post as it evolves.
Install mosquitto mqtt broker on debian server
sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
Start and stop mosquitto (Debian Jessie)
sudo systemctl start mosquitto
sudo systemctl stop mosquitto
[To Do] Figure out how to run at startup???
Following this post I think it is just …
sudo systemctl enable application.service
But I need to check this.
To push/send and subscribe on an Arduino ESP8266
Use the pubsubclient library. And get an ESP8266 wifi chip working. The ESP8266 wifi chip is its own revolution. See chips from Sparkfun, Adafruit, and a writeup in Make. For this chip I have taken the plunge and made my first direct from China purchases on Ali Express. The chips at Ali Express are ~ 5x cheaper. I love this stuff.
To push/send and read MQTT topics in python use paho library
pip install paho-mqtt
Python publisher script
This script publishes data (timestamps for now) every second into the loft/motion1 topic on a mqtt broker.
# post to an mqtt topic
import paho.mqtt.client as paho
import datetime, time
mqttc = paho.Client()
host = "" # the address of the mqtt broker
topic= "loft/motion1"
port = 1883
def on_connect(mosq, obj, rc):
print("on_connect() "+str(rc))
mqttc.on_connect = on_connect
print("Connecting to " + host)
mqttc.connect(host, port, 60)
# if connection to broker is lost and then regained, on_connect() gets called
print 'starting infinite loop'
while 1:
# publish some data at a regular interval
now =
mqttc.publish(topic, now.strftime('%H:%M:%S'))
Python subscriber script
This script subscribes to the topic loft/motion1 on a mqtt broker. Whenever there is new data in the topic, on_message() gets called.
# subscribe to an mqtt topic
import paho.mqtt.client as paho
mqttc = paho.Client()
host = "" # the address of the mqtt broker
topic= "loft/motion1"
port = 1883
def on_connect(mosq, obj, rc):
print('on_connect() rc=' +str(rc))
print ' subscribing to', topic
mqttc.subscribe(topic, 0)
def on_subscribe(mosq, obj, mid, granted_qos):
print("Subscribed OK")
def on_message(mosq, obj, msg):
print( "on_message() topic: " + msg.topic + " payload: "+str(msg.payload) + "\n");
mqttc.on_connect = on_connect
mqttc.on_subscribe = on_subscribe
mqttc.on_message = on_message
# Connect and subscribe
print("Connecting to " + host)
mqttc.connect(host, port, 60)
# if connection to broker is lost and then regained, on_connect() get called
print 'starting infinite loop'
while 1:
aaa = 1
Check version of mosquitto
cudmore@debian:/etc/mosquitto$ sudo apt-cache search mosquitto
[sudo] password for cudmore:
libmosquitto-dev - MQTT version 3.1 client library, development files
libmosquitto1 - MQTT version 3.1 client library
libmosquittopp-dev - MQTT version 3.1 client C++ library, development files
libmosquittopp1 - MQTT version 3.1 client C++ library
mosquitto - MQTT version 3.1/3.1.1 compatible message broker
mosquitto-clients - Mosquitto command line MQTT clients
mosquitto-dbg - debugging symbols for mosquitto binaries
python-mosquitto - MQTT version 3.1 Python client library
python3-mosquitto - MQTT version 3.1 Python 3 client library