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Monitoring mice in their home cage

[Aug 4, 2014, updated] [March 2015, moved to]






Running Wheels

Miscellaneous Sensors

Acquisition Software (Python scripts running in Pi)

Script 1:

Script 2:

Software Analysis


Wish List


Camera Holder



Temp/Humidity Sensor (DHT22) spits out readings once per second (fine) and does it fast (not fine). On Raspberry Pi this requires some C code to read ‘bit-banged’ sensor output. See Adafruit.

The AM2315 is a more accurate temperature/humidity sensor, and data comes in via I2C. This particular sensor has a fixed address.

The Pi NoIR camera is just the standard Pi camera with the IR filter removed. Right now there are no detailed specs on the nm sensitivity of the NoIR camera, the IR filter or the original camera for that matter. According to the Embedded Linux Wiki, the Pi NoIR camera has a CMOS Omnivision 5647 CMOS chip. Also see the pdf spec/ad sheetAphesa has some pretty in depth discussion of the spectral response properties of silicon image sensors.

I tried 950nm LEDs and got a pretty grainy video, I switched to 850 nm LEDs and the image is brighter and less grainy (as expected). In both these cases, the camera is about 20” from subject and IR  lights are off to the left and right, 4 LEDs on the left and 4 LEDs on the right. See this discussion and here for a guess at the spectral sensitivity.

-Try -night switch for video with IR LEDs.

-Raspberry Control, a general purpose Android based Raspberry Pi Controller.

 Camera board has 2mm screw holes, see Gert’s drawings.



Tags: flask, python, raspberry pi, data acquisition

©2020. Robert Cudmore.