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Release Notes

Release Notes

Current To Do

  • Make sure streaming stops when browser tab is closed or browser is quit.
  • Expand sunrise/sunset to fractional hour.
  • [partially done 20180831] Add warning when video/ drive space remaining is less than 1 GB. Do this by updating status.trial.systemInfo.gbRemaining at the end of each recording (record video thread, and armed recording thread). I am doing this with hard-coded 5GB warning in index.html, see: ng-if="videoArray[$index].status.trial.systemInfo.gbRemaining < 5"
  • Have some mechanism to roll-over or otherwise replace the continuous environment log file.
  • [done 20181018] Add code to check the camera as PiE server starts. This way, user can look at logs to troubleshoot.
  • Add popup to web interface for selecting supported DHT (AM2302, DHT11) sensors
  • [20181114] Have continuous environmental log also log status of the lights. Once done, add gray bars to environment plot to show when light actually came on/off.

Major Changes


  • Revamped environmental log page.
    • Now using fixed y-axis for humidity in range 0..80
    • Added controls to set y-axis of temperature.
    • Showing last read timestamp, temerature, and humidity at top of page
    • Added button to reload page. Once loaded, the page is static (does not continuously poll server). Clicking 'reload page' will fetch new values from server.
    • Reversed order of table to show last reading first.
    • The page is now using javascript and angular


  • Moved environment logs to /home/pie/video/logs. This way they can be browsed and will not be trashed on full reinstall


  • Lots of changes


  • Lots of changes

Development Notes


(1) motor interface

  • make setup not engage motor

  • add motor on, motor off to web interface pass to teensy with serial useMotor/motorOn, see trial.useMotor

//When set LOW, all STEP commands are ignored and all FET functionality is turned off. Must be pulled HIGH to enable STEP control
const int motorResetPin = 19;

//Logic Input. Enables the FET functionality within the motor driver. If set to HIGH, the FETs will be disabled, and the IC will not drive the motor. If set to LOW, all FETs will be enabled, allowing motor control.
const int motorEnabledPin = 20; //low to engage, high to dis-engage

(2) [done]finish writing docs for 'scope' configuration.

(3) [done] make sure all config files still load

(4) [done] add 'last response' to interface - update self.lastResponse throughout code

(6) look at starting ./pie at boot, make sure it catches the serial

Reduce png file size


sudo apt-get install optipng


Pins GPIO2 and GPIO3 have fixed pull-up resistors, but for other pins this can be configured in software.


source env/bin/activate
cd ~/pie/pie_app
/home/pi/pie/env/bin/gunicorn -w 1 --bind treadmill_app:app


Had to install with

sudo pip install mkdocs

Run on an external port

cd ~/pie/docs
mkdocs serve -a
# if that does not work, then
mkdocs serve --dev-addr=

Push to github

cd ~/pie/docs
mkdocs gh-deploy