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Install the PiE server

Get a functioning Raspberry Pi

We assume you have a functioning Raspberry Pi 2/3. To get started, see our installation recipe.

In the remaining parts of this tutorial, all commands are entered into an ssh session that is logged into the Pi. Any time you see the number sign (#) that is a comment and does not have to be entered.

1) Download the PiE server code

# update your system
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

# if you don't already have git
sudo apt-get install git

# clone the main PiE repository
git clone

3) Install the PiE server

cd ~/pie

Thats it, the PiE server should be running and you can use the web interface at http://[ip]:5010. Where [ip] is the IP address of your Raspberry Pi. Make sure you specify port 5010 in the web address. By default, the PiE server will start when the Raspberry Pi is booted.

4) Install uv4l for video streaming.

The uv4l software runs at the system level (not within the PiE folder) and only needs to be installed once per machine.

cd ~/pie

5) Install the DHT temperature/humidity sensor Python package (optional)

If you are using a DHT temperature/humidity sensor, the Adafruit DHT python package needs to be installed.

cd ~/pie

6) Checking the status of the PiE server.

If all goes well, the web interface is all this is needed. If the PiE server does not work as expected, it is useful to check its log file. Do this from the web interface or from the command line with:

more ~/pie/pie_app/pie.log

7) Controlling the PiE server from the command line

Once installed, the PiE server installs a system service allowing the PiE server to run in the background. This background PiE server can be controlled as follows:

cd ~/pie

./pie start    - start background PiE server"
./pie stop     - stop background PiE server"
./pie status   - check the status of background PiE server"

./pie enable   - enable background PiE server at boot"
./pie disable  - disable background PiE server at boot"

./pie run      - run PiE server on command line"

For debugging, use ./pie run to print the PiE server log to the command line. The logs can also be viewed from the web interface or the command line using more ~/pie/pie_app/pie.log.

Running the PiE server at boot

By default, the PiE server will run when the Raspberry Pi is booted and this can be controlled as follows.

# To make the background server run at boot
cd ~/pie
./pie enable

# To make the background server NOT run at boot
cd ~/pie
./pie disable

Manually running the PiE server

Normally, the PiE server will run in the background after installation with './install-pie'. If there are errors during the install or the PiE server is not running, the pie server can be run manually as follows.

# stop background pie server
cd ~/pie
./pie stop

# activate the pie server python virtual environment in pie_env/
# Once activated, the command prompt will start with (pie_env)
cd ~/pie
source pie_env/bin/activate

# manually run the pie server
cd ~/pie/pie_app

# don't forget to deactivate the python virtual environment with

Uninstalling the PiE server

Run the uninstall script ./uninstall-pie and remove the ~/pie folder with sudo -Rf ~/pie.

# run the uninstall script
cd ~/pie

# remove the pie folder
sudo -Rf ~/pie

Full reinstall of the PiE server

Issue these commands to remove and reinstall the PiE server.

# stop the PiE server
cd ~/pie
./pie stop

# remove existing ~/pie folder
sudo rm -Rf ~/pie

# download/clone a new copy of pie folder
git clone

# install PiE server
cd ~/pie

# install dht sensor (optional)
cd ~/pie