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The PiE server can be used in different configurations depending on your needs. This currently includes a behavior box for remote (web based) home cage video monitoring and recording, environmental control, and offline video analysis.

In the future, we will provide on the scope video recording and control of a motorized treadmill.

Behavior Box v2.0

Eight boxes running experiments. Each one can be controlled independently with the simple web interface or all can be monitored and controlled using the commander web interface.
View inside one box with a mouse cage with clear plexiglass lid, a water preference experiment, computer controlled lights, temperatures/humidity sensor, fan, and a video camera (just beyond the top of the photo).
View of organized electronics on the back of two boxes. Detailed view of electronics on the back of one box.

Behavior Box v0.1

Just for a historical note, here was our first prototype of thebehavior box. We have come a long way!

Overview Lights and camera
Rats nest

Future - Treadmill

Detailed view of circular treadmill including
  • 10" acrylic disk (top)
  • Actobotics frame (horizontal aluminum arm)
  • Stepper motor (bottom)
  • Rotary encoder (left)
  • Gears to couple the motor and disk to the rotary encoder

Future - Treadmill on the scope