15 Mar 2015
This post covers downloading, installing and running mjp-streamer on a raspberry pi. There are two options for installation and streaming depending on if you stream from (1) a rapsberry pi camera module or (2) a USB camera.
07 Mar 2015
- Use raspberry to record video from USB camera and stream to disk.
- Use python and opencv
- will save either as a sequence of .tif or as an uncompressed videofile
Install opencv
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python-opencv
05 Mar 2015
Goal is to get plotting with bokeh on the Raspberry Pi.
24 Dec 2014
I need to have some Python code tell me how much drive space is left. Here is what I came up with.
14 Feb 2014
[Aug 4, 2014, updated]
[March 2015, moved to cudmore.github.io]