SanPy supports user plugins. These are Python classes that tap into the underlying API architecture of the SanPy desktop GUI.
With Plugins, the core funtionality of SanPy can easily be extended, including:
- Plotting raw data
- Plotting analysis
- Tabular reports
- Extend analysis in new ways
For a tutorial on writing your own plugin, please see our writing-a-plugin guide.
Common plugin interface¤
All plugins are linked into the SanPy interface to respond to file and sweep selections, changes to the analysis, spike selection, and changes in the zooming of a recording.
Each plugin shares a common interface to turn these actions on and off. This interface can be toggled with a right-mouse-click and selecting Toggle Top Toolbar
Built-in plugins.¤
Plot Recording¤
Plot a recording with an overlay of spike detection parameters.
Spike Clips¤
Plot all spikes aligned to their threshold. Also has waterfall and phase plots.
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Plot Scatter¤
A plugin to explore scatter plots of analysis results. Possibly the most useful plugin!
Plot FI¤
Analyze and plot analysis results versus current steps.
Plot Analysis¤
Visualize a number of plot types including: Scatter, Histograms, Mean , etc. Basically 'Plot Scatter' on steroids.
Detection Parameters¤
Allows setting of all detection parameters, includes a description of each as well as presets for different types of cells and recordings.
Export Trace¤
Plot a trace, set some display parameters and export to a file. File formats include Png, Pdf, and SVG.
Summarize Results¤
This plugin will display a table of analysis results with four different views including:
- Full Export - The same table saved as
Export Spike Report
. - Human Readable - A nicer looking table with human readable column names.
- Sweep Summary - A summary of spike statistics for one sweep. Useful if your recordings have just one sweep.
- Detection Errors - A list of spike detection errors. Usefull while searching for the correct detection parameters.
Each row in the tble represents one spike. On selecting a spike, the corresponding spike will be selected in the main interface. Double-click on a spike to zoom into one spike.
All reports can be copied to the clipboard and then pasted into a spreadsheet.
Full Export¤
Export all spikes like saving csv.
Human Readable¤
A slightly nicer table where column names are human readable.
Sweep Summary¤
A summary of a single sweep. This is particularly usefull if a recording uses just one sweep..
Detection Errors¤
A summary of all detection errors.
This plugin allows the browsing of Detection Errors
and is critical for the curation of data analysis! Browe through these errors and adjust detection parameters as neccessary.
Sanpy Log¤
Display the SanPy log. As a user interacts with SanPy, most actions are logged to a file. This is useful for debugging and communicating with developers :)
Calculate and plot the Power-Spectral-Density (PSD) of any recording using the Fast-Fourier-Transform (FFT).
Stim Gen¤
A plugin to generate stimuli and save them as csv or Axon Text Files (ATF). Optimized to generate noisy sin waves! These files can then be presented as a stimulus during an ePhys recording.