Writing A Plugin
How to write a SanPy plugin.ยค
1) Derive a class from sanpy.interface.plugins.sanpyPlugin
2) Give you plugin a name by defining the static property myHumanName = 'Nice name for your plugin
3) Build your user interface in a plot()
member function.
4) Have your plugin respond to the main interface by reploting in a replot()
member function.
This is to enable your plugin to respond to different pre-defined interface changes, see below.
5) Place you new plugin py file in the <user>Documents/SanPy/plugins
6) Run SanPy and it will append you plugin to the list of available plugins in the Plugins Menu
Coming soon. We will provide unit tests to ensure new plugins is working.
Here is a template to get started. This is the same as gets installed in the User plugin folder file exampleUserPlugin.py
from sanpy.interface.plugins import sanpyPlugin
class exampleUserPlugin1(sanpyPlugin):
Plot x/y statistics as a scatter
Get stat names and variables from sanpy.bAnalysisUtil.getStatList()
myHumanName = 'Example User Plugin 1'
def plot(self):
"""Create the plot in the widget (called once).
# embed a matplotlib axis (self.axs)
self.mplWindow2() # assigns (self.fig, self.axs)
# plot a white line with raw data
self._lineRaw, = self.axs.plot([], [], '-w', linewidth=0.5)
# plot red circles with spike threshold
self._lineDetection, = self.axs.plot([], [], 'ro')
def replot(self):
"""Replot the widget. Usually when the file is switched
# get the x/y values from the recording
sweepX = self.getSweep('x')
sweepY = self.getSweep('y')
# update plot of raw data
self._lineRaw.set_data(sweepX, sweepY)
# update plot of spike threshold
thresholdSec = self.ba.getStat('thresholdSec')
thresholdVal = self.ba.getStat('thresholdVal')
self._lineDetection.set_data(thresholdSec, thresholdVal)
# make sure the matplotlib axis auto scale
# plt.draw()