Robert Cudmore    archive    tags    search    software

Raspberry startup tweet

Have a Raspberry send a tweet with its IP when it boots. This is incredibly useful when your Pi is headless with no monitor. There are tons of tutorials on this including one at instructables and another at opensource.

Home Debian server setup

Tweaking MQTT server to talk to Homeassistant

Home Cage Activity

Record video 24/7 with a Raspberry Pi

Google Cloud Platform

Oh my god this is complex. I got a flask app to run on google cloud.

Prairie scope analysis

Acquisition and analysis workflow for Prairie two-photon scope

Adding smb shares in linux

Mount a remote folder into a folder /mnt/datashare. Use /etc/fstab so this remote folder is mounted on every boot.

Convert .h264 video with ffmpeg

This bash script will make new copies of all .h264 files in the current working directory